If you purchased the Chapter 5, Season 4 battle pass, you can now unlock the Doom skin. But you’ll need to complete a series of quests before you can rock it around the island. Read on to learn every detail you’ll need to know about unlocking the elusive Doom skin.
Page 1
- The strongest metals are forged in the hottest flames - Loading screen
- No unseen defense can stand against my power - Doom’s Cloak (Back Bling)
- No man, monster, or monument may stand before Doom. - Weapon Wrap
- 4… I am not overly fond of the number. - The Doomblade (Pickaxe)
- Her shadow is my place of peace in this world of torment - Fist of Doom (Glider)
- Stark thinks himself a genius investor. I beg to differ. - Doom (skin)
Page 2
- This chest is now property of Latveria - Pandora Doomblade
- Insolence must be punished - Latverian Monarch Decor
- There is triumph, even in torment - Doom’s Pandora Cloak (Back Bling)
- Doom masters all that lies before - Pandora’s Fist Of Doom
- Defend Latveria. At all costs. - Doom’s Domain (Emote)
- Success of the strong demands sacrifice of the weak - Pandora’s Armor Doom (Skin)
On the next two pages, we break down each of these stages.